Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Forest of Fantasy

Once upon a time, on a cloud far far away, stood a misty blue castle surrounded by a huge ring of dust and a forest. Inside lived a Wise Old Wizard, who liked to vanish instead of walking. The Wise Old Wizard wears a robe the color of the night sky. On his robe he has 35 stars. He also has a matching pointy hat that also has stars but only 17. He has a beard that is 100 cm long, and is as white as a new Mac Computer. The Wise Old Wizard is very short, only 110 cm. He has a walking stick and a wand. His walking stick is also his emergency wand. He has a old creaky voice that he doesn't use very much, and he hasn't had a bath since he was 16 years old. This is a fact that made a lot of people faint;! He is so powerful that he can make the earth a different shape. With his wand, he created a calm and tame pet goblin named Bubble. He only created the goblin because he was lonely, since he had absolutely no family. The Wise Old Wizard was really wrinkly and smells like frogs. he is one of those wizard who hardly ever smiles, and is a good wizard, not one of those mean, cruel, and nasty wizard. As for his mansion, it is HUGE. From the outside it looks like a normal 2 story house, but from the inside it is as big as 1 quarter of the Tasmanian sea. He is very rich, and usually very, very LAZY. Once on a cold and stormy night, the Wise Old Wizard came out of his mansion, went under the ring of dust, and sat down on his bench. He was feeling very board and lonely. So he slowly walked toward the forest and heard a faint growling sound... He swore he saw tiny people flying on a swans back. He scanned through his mind and remembered that those things were called Pinhead.He still wasn't sure what and where the growling sound was coming from. Since the wizard was a very curious person, he walked on further. After about 15 minutes of walking , the wizard was faced by a huge dragon like creature that had scales, a rooster like head and lion shaped paws. For the wizard it was a very peculiar site....very peculiar. He scanned his mind seventeen times finally on the eighteenth time he remembered what the creature was. It was a griffin. It has been said that they are very dangerous, and the wizard was sure that the fact in the book was true because the griffin ate his wand as well as his emergency wand. Soon it was dusk , the sky was getting dark and the air was getting cold and the wizard lost his way. The owls were hooting and screeching in the cold misty night. The wizard kept walking and very soon came across a very short person. He introduced himself as the "Dwarf king". He told the wizard that he could have one wish only if he could find the medal of wonder. The wizard did not know where the medal of wonder was so he got stressed. He wanted to wish for him to go home. Two minutes later the dwarf king vanished leaving a note on the ground.The note said " Follow the path in this map, you will face dangers in your track, so be careful where you step and you will find the medal of wonder".... The wizard followed the trail and ended up exactly where he was before; with the griffin.He looked everywhere around the place and found nothing. Then he stroke the griffin wondering how his pet goblin might be feeling; Smack!! the map fell to the ground and as the wizard picked it up, he looked at it upside down. Looking it that way he figured out exactly where to go!!! He was almost there ; where the medal of wonder was but he had to go to the middle of the haunted cave. The wizard was as scared as a mouse before a hungry fat cat.He ran and while running he wished that he had his wand so that he could go home. Suddenly....Crash!! The wizard had bumped into a huge rock and that's where he found the medal of wonder. As soon as he grabbed it the dwarf king appeared. He thanked the wizard and granted him his wish. That's what helped the wizard to go home and live happily ever after.


Twelve2010 said...

What a very interesting and entertaining story. Love all the descriptive language you have used. Thanks for my lovely cards girls.

Cassidy said...

WOW!!! What a cool story, did you write it buy yourself. What is your next story going to be about?

Anonymous said...

What a great story! I think it is very entertaining and magical! :)