Monday, November 1, 2010

slilly and milly the withe.

Once upon a time there was a alien named slily and she had curly hair and she is red every wear she needed to go to earth but she needed to fight a mean ugly smelly witch  and the witch was so so mean that she threw some one over a ship, but slily was so so nice that when some one fell over she helped them up she turned back and the witch wasn't their and there was a sound and it sounded like the witch and it was the witch so they started to fight but slily had heaps of spells and she didn't know what one to use but she saw one that she didn't use and the spell was mace the witch be gone but not for ever in a place she wont like and it worked so she fixed her ship and went to earth and meet her oner elizabeth she and slily played together then they made bracelets together. the end 

1 comment:

Cassidy said...

Short, but awesome! You did such a good job!