One day, one lovely day on mars, Sally the alien was out for a walk. She was walking until she came to the pet store. You see, Sally always wanted a pet, but she never had one or had known how fun it was to have one. But she went in anyway. All that was in the pet store was a moon rock, a red one. It did nothing for a while. Sally got bored and when she was just going to leave, she heard a noise. She turned back. The moon rock was bouncing. Up and down up and down. Sally really wanted to buy it. She reached into her pocket and grabbed three dollars. Moon rocks didn't cost that much money on mars. So once Sally payed she went home to go tell her parents.'' NO! You didn't even ask us. It's a big responsibility.'' Growled her dad. '' Anyone can look after a rock.'' Sally stomped to her room. She took the moon rock with her. When she slammed the door and locked it, the moon rock started to bounce again. Then it disappeared in a puff of smoke. '' So much for a pet.'' said Sally. Just then, a witch was standing right in front of her.'' HE! HE! HE! Your mine now!'' Screeched the witch. '' Your that m-m-moon r-rock-k.'' Sally said scared. '' Yup I can do some pretty good magic. Now come with me!'' '' Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Mum mum! Dad dad!'' screamed Sally. Her parents went to see what was wrong but it was to late. The little alien was in a sack hanging off the edge of the witch's broom stick. ''Go away!'' Said Sally's Dad. '' I'll go away, with this ugly alien.'' The witch opened the window and flew out, Sally was going to planet earth. It was so cold up in the sky. It was so cold, that Sally turned BLUE. Finally they were in the witch's castle. The witch opened the sack and threw it on the ground.'' Consider yourself a little rude,'' Said Sally. '' and anyway what do you want from me.'' Sally said bravely. '' I want a SLAVE.'' Said the witch. '' By the way my name is Olka. Olka Big-teeth'' '' Who is your slave I don't see a slave.'' Sally asked. '' I'm laughing right a her. Ha.'' Olka said, annoyed. She opened her mouth. Sally saw big teeth hang down. She now knew why Olka sir-name was big teeth.'' Y-y-your a vamp-p-pire.'' '' Yup.'' said Olka '' I'll be your slave,'' said Sally quikly. '' just don't hurt me or, go back to Mars and hurt my parents.'' '' Ok ,here is list of things I need you to do.'' Olka was holding a huge long list, a MEGER long list. Sally began to say: '' How am I soposed to do all of...'' '' Shhhhh! You still want your live, than do it ALL!!!'' scremed Olka '' Okay.'''said Sally. So Sally did her work like scrubbing and brushing and cleaning Olka's room, she also made friends with the birds and one morning, the birds had a plan, a plan to get Sally out of the castle. The birds told Sally that they could fly out the window and go around the other side of the castle, through the window that had a room with the key in it, and come back and give the key to Sally. '' Brilliant!!! Now I can go and see my Mum & Dad again. But I will miss you guys, you are my best friends.'' Sally said sadly. '' Don't worry. We will come and visit.'' '' Okay then, lets get on with the plan.'' Said Sally. So the birds flew out and did what they said they would do. About ten seconds latter she heard a scream, a scream from a witch. But then she noticed that it was only the t.v. The All Blacks lost their game. Then she heard a jingle noise, a jingle noise of a key. '' THE BIRDS!!! '' Screamed Sally.
Fantail came swooping down with the keys and the birds. '' Thank you so much.'' Said Sally as she hugged Fantail. '' We also got the broom stick too. Your going to need it.'' Then Sally was on her way.