Sunday, October 31, 2010

undersea gardens

I learnt that farmers use seaweed to feed their animals and I learnt that seaweeds can grow up to 70m. high and the longest seaweed can grow faster then any plant green seaweeds. green seaweed often grows near fresh water you may find them. growing where streams flow into the sea crabs hide from their, predators inside seaweeds and some seaweeds can mack fish blend in to hide from their predators.seaweeds come in all shapes and sizes they can also look like grass some seaweeds. Feel slimy and their slime protects their blade from getting damaged by the waves.
Sea-horses wrap their tails around seaweeds so they don't get swept into deep seas    

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice job Riaihe where did you learn that

by Diana date:4.11.10