Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Learning about Adverbs

Today Mrs Pram taught us about adverbs. We can use an adverb to change a verb, adjective or another adverb and it gives us more information about the way something is done or happens.

This was a yummy lesson because we all got given donuts to eat! First we had to tell Mrs Pram some different things we could do with the donuts like nibble, eat, chomp etc. Then we had to tell some adverbs that would explain the way we did these things like nibble politely or chomp loudly.

Check out some of the adverbs we use in this video:


Heymilly said...

I love watching this video - you all thought carefully about some great adverbs that you could use! I have to say some of them still make me giggle too!!
Miss Signal

Twelve2010 said...

I think you were all terrific at your adverbs. I'm really glad Jackie didn't eat the tissue too. Mrs Pram

Anonymous said...

Great adverbs Room 12. I'm sure you all would have had heaps more different ones if Miss Signal had bought KFC. Isabella's Dad.

Cassidy said...

Those donuts were YUMMY!!!