Sunday, September 12, 2010

Christchurch Quake Map

Last week we had the chance to talk to Mrs Stewart from Christchurch all about the earthquake and her experiences. It was a great opportunity for the students to get to talk to someone who was living through all the things we have been hearing on the news. Before we talked to her through Skype we checked out the Christchurch Quake Map. It's a great visual tool that meant we could get an idea of how many earthquakes Christchurch was having, how big and frequent they were too. Click on the image to head to the map.

Here's another clever tool that is a timeline of the earthquakes - drag the grey bar across to see when they happened and more - Christchurch Quake Timeline.


Emma said...

Wow That must been a big earthquake in Christchurch

Emma said...

Wow That must been a big earthquake in Christchurch